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O U R   P R O C E S S

We listen.
Before we make a sound.
We listen.
Often times the role of composer, producer, or sound designer is that of a counselor.  Perceiving emotion to drive narrative. We listen to our clients and try to meet needs that can be hard to communicate.
You know how you want it to feel.
We want it to feel that way too.

Nothing can happen without a good plan.

We work hard to take in your needs and navigate to the best results. Mood boards, playlists, and careful curating of sounds happens here.

From the ground up; we create.  We write, record, and post process our music.  We have a dreamy studio space with too many toys to name.  Everything from hammer dulcimers to Fender Rhodes to world-class plugins & hardware.  It's our own personal Willy Wonka Factory for sound.

We do our best to be mind readers.  Meeting needs sonically before they are asked for.  Everyone loves when things just work.  We want you to feel that way about us.

The goal is partnership.  We want you to feel like you got our very best, and ultimately produced your very best.  Collaboration is key.  Fitting sound with picture requires delicate give and take with great respect for one another.  If we partner well, the end result will wow us all. 

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